Monday, May 16, 2011

When Everything Is Going Well...

When everything in life is going well for you, there must be something pop out in the middle of nowhere and annoys you. Have you experience that before?

Yesterday was a bright fine day and totally lightened my mood since morning. It would be such a waste not to spend some quality time under the sun, so i happily rode on my bike and loitered around. Reached another suburb, borrowed one story book, did some window shopping (not really, bought 2 pairs of socks from kids department, haha). When everything went perfectly fine, my bike tyre went flat. Thanks to some delirious drunken good-for-nothing people who threw away their bottles by the roadside. ANNOYING!!!
Then this morning, i found my phone was out of battery. One thing i couldn't fathom was that i just recharged it the night before. Occasionally this phone would ask me to reinsert the sim card or automatically change to flight mode. Tell me why. Francis Koh, you'd better give me a good explanation!!!
When everything is going so well, argh....

0 thought: