Thursday, October 25, 2007

前几天与朋友到mamak摊吃夜宵,忽然间我们谈到童年游戏,大家都兴高采烈地分享各自的回忆。 因为朋友们都是受英文教育长大,所以他们所玩的儿戏都与我的不同。当我正听着他们讲解一些游戏的乐趣时,好友忽然转过头来问我是否有玩过此游戏,我摇头,怎知好友也摇头说:‘你太华人了,不够西方化!’,接着就转回头继续谈天。我顿时呆了一下,与我同桌的每一个人都是华人,为何身为华人的我要因不够西方化而感到羞耻呢?为何不是他们因不够‘华人化’而感到羞耻呢?


前几个月,一位不谙华语的友人,兴孜勃勃地跟我说教育部肯定不再增建华小。我又呆了一下看着他,不知如何应对。大家都是华人,怎么搞到好像此事与他无关呢?他既不愤怒,反而还跟我说为何教育部需要作此决定。现在已摆明我们正被欺压着,为何还有人知道后无动于衷呢?难道他们不知道没了华文教育,就等于华人在这社会上失去了地位吗? 又是一位在崇洋文化下被洗涤的华人,悲哀啊。。。如果照几十年前的拉萨报告书,减少各源流小学和增建国民型学校能促进人民团结,很明显此目标已告吹且不适于现代来增进国民团结。看看邻国印尼,在排华事件后,华人不敢以华文名来登记,更不用说有华文教育的存在。不错他们的政治醒觉在东南亚比较高,但结果多数的印尼华侨都在家里以印尼话与家人沟通,难道这不值得我们去省思吗?若要搞到各民族失去本身的母语和文化来达到所谓的国民团结,我无话可说。

好友能以华语沟通,但难以阅读与书写,说以后一定要让他的后代学华语和其方言, 但绝不送孩子到华小就读,因为他还认为要在社会立足必须懂得操一口流利的英文。说到此时,我也只能叹息。


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Raya Break

It’s holiday again! It seems we have unlimited holidays throughout the year, is that a good thing or bad thing? Who cares, I like holiday!

Anyway, I am back to my peaceful hometown and enjoying a calming life without chaotic routine. It’s been a rise and fall for me in the past 1 month plus. I gained something (not weight, I hope so), I lost something (like my last pair of contact lens) and I am having problem to be dealt with. For your information, my club in IMU is in crisis. I don’t know what to do when I received the news. I panicked, felt so helpless and decided to flee. But thank god, I found some supportive fellow friends and seniors who keep on encourage me and persuade me not to give up. I am not sure if things would turn out right, but with their support and courage, I will give a try, no matter what.

Last Friday, I followed my friends and went to Kajang to eat its famous food, SATAY! If I am not mistaken, Datuk Syek also brought along some satay to the space. But I am sure that those satay is not from Kajang because all the food in the spaceship is prepared by MARDI, i wonder how it taste like, hehe! Well, I still remember my last visit in Kajang was around 2 years ago. Of course we went back to the same shop, but this time, we eat something new. Guess what, the shop not only serves chicken and beef satay, it also serves duck, mutton, and fish satay. Well, the fish satay is the most expensive one, 90cents each and the taste is not bad. We ordered 50 cucuk and Jane as a Kajangian ate the least, maybe she lives nearby is the reason. After makan, we toured around the town, entered some shopping centers. Kajang seems to be a Malay town, resembles Johor Bharu except the population in Kajang is lesser.

Before I came back to Ipoh, I had to wake up in the early morning just to follow my friends to eat dim sum in PJ. Kevin said it is very famous, but I found that the variety there was quite limited. Anyway as long as it can feed my stomach, I won’t complain too much, hehe!

Kajang Satay

Thank you Jane for your warm hospitality

Dim Sum in PJ

It's a very nice and meaningful photo, taken by Fiona

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Epidemic Alert

Lavender Bistro@JB with my beloved sis and mum

Everyone is falling sick recently, there must be some mutated virus spreading among the community. Sadly to admit that I am one of the victims who caught the disease last week. Being ill was really torturing, I had lethargy, cold intolerance, dizziness, constipation, itchiness on the throat, productive cough, loss of appetite, night sweat… Oh gosh, counting on these symptoms, the differential diagnosis can be as long as a novel. That’s not too bad, what make it worse is all these happened one day before my exam. If I could pass the endocrine paper, you can call that as miracle.

After the exam, I bring along my illness to JB to meet my mum and sister. This is my first time visiting JB, but my weak body doesn’t allow me to enjoy as much as I desire. Kinda wasted. Anyway my main purpose of visiting JB this time is to meet my mum and sister, so it’s not too bad after all.

I can’t tell much of my experience in JB because I was in delirium most of the time. I remember sitting in a car with my sister for more than an hour just to pick my mum up at Singapore custom. That border is the busiest place that I ever see, uncountable cars are going in and out of JB, of course the traffic was heavily congested. So my sis and I sitting in the car, listen to radio and look at all the passerby and start commenting on their appearance and style, so fun!

Finally I am back to KL and feeling ok, don’t really miss JB, but miss my mum and sis now.