Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Today when i came back home from school, i saw this envelope lying in front of my doorstep. I'm sure you know how exciting it could be when you receive a mail like this. Without hesitant, i quickly opened it, it's a DVD of my sister wedding which held in the middle of June this year.

Not being able to attend my sister's wedding is one of the regrets in my life. It was such a joyful moment and yet i wasn't there.... In the video, i saw my parents waving here and there, i saw my siblings popping out the screen intermittently, i saw my relatives sending their best wishes, and most of all, i saw my sister smiling with her true love.

I miss my family....

2 thought:

CarynBear said...
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CarynBear said...

you will get to see them soon ya.. be patient dear mui mui!
take care k .. *hugs* <3