Friday, July 10, 2009

Weekend anticipation

I have never appreciate weekend as much as i do now. It's such a precious time for me to recharge the depleting energy and do whatever i want to do, like wasting time...

Nothing much happened this week. Just finished one long case study and waiting to be marked. Gonna start another long case next week so soon as possible. Still haven't find any interesting case for my presentation. Still procrastinating my Maori and ethics assignments which due on september. Still wasting time....

Last Thursday, i attended my first 'video-conferencing' style lecture in my school. I know the technology already existed for ages, but i have never done it before, so i was quite impressed. For your information, University of Otago has 3 medical schools in new zealand, which are Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. On last Thursday, the plenary was delivered in Dunedin, but students from 3 schools attended it at the same time. From my lecture hall's screen, i could see a power point slide, the dunedin lecturer, wellington students and us. Pretty awesome huh! But the content was quite boring, almost fall asleep, hehe!

Have a nice weekend!

1 thought:

djun said...

Wow! your video conferencing sounds more canggih than our in s'ban ... haha :D